Monday, May 24, 2010

Elder Lindquist 5/24/10

Hey every one how are you doing? We had an awesome week here, (even though our baptisms fell through...) but other than that it was super awesome. We had the coolest activity on Friday night and we had tons of youth there. It was super fun! During the week we gathered up cardboard boxes from the grocery stores by the chapel and we had two teams that made arcs (based on the story of Noah) and then we played some sick games and then we ate pancakes. It was super fun. It has been sad to say goodbye to every body here but I'm super excited to go to my next area. Yesterday there was a Priesthood meeting in our chapel and President Torgan was there, so he pulled me off to the side and told me where I'm going. I'm going to the Azores!!!! To the island of São Miguel and my area is called Ponta Delgada. It is by far the prettiest area in the mission with sites like Sete Cidades and Lagoa de Fogo. I'm super excited I heard the area and the branch is great too. I'm going to be going there with Elder Mclean from Pleasant Grove neither one of us knows the area so this will be super interesting. But I'm super excited to go serve there I thought my chances were over but it looks like I was wrong. I will fly out there tomorrow so yeah. Other than that just the transfer madness is going on. It's going to be hard to leave this area but I know I did all that I needed to. I'll also be sad to say good-bye to Elder Togo. But we'll meet again (we have already made plans to go to California/Vegas and such). Well I'll keep on working and loving it and you guys just try not to get into any more accidents ok. Love you all
-Elder Lindquist

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