Monday, May 31, 2010

Elder Lindquist 5/31/10

Hey all, I don't have a lot of time but yeah I'm doing fine, a little tired but fine. We arrived on the island of San Miguel on Tuesday night; we work our butts off there. I love my companion; he's like a brother to me. The island is BEAUTIFUL and the accent is SOOO different!!! I felt like a greeny again but when I looked to my comp, (who in a greeny's case understands the language can step in and help), he looks at me just as confused! But it is a humbling experience and we're seeing the hand of the Lord in our work. We just have to be humble and search for the guidance of the Holy Ghost. But yeah needless to say island life there is CRAZY! The catholic traditions are ridiculous they aren’t even things that the church practices in the rest of the world the island just makes up their own traditions. I'll tell you more about them another day. So yesterday night I flew into Lisbon for our zone leader council that we had today and my plane was late. I didn't get into Lisbon till like 3:00 in the morning! So yeah I'm super tired I slept like 4 hours last night. Today during the meeting we got to eat at Chili's, because our mission baptized the record this last month!!! Well things are going well, but crazy. But we're hanging in there. I'll talk to ya'll another day ok I gotta go!
-Love Elder Lindquist, the newest Azorean.

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