Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Elder Lindquist 6/8/10

Hey how is everyone doing there in the US of A? Elder Mclean and I are doing great out here things are going really well and we're being blessed every day in the work. Speaking of the USA they have a lot of American food here on the islands, (thanks to the American base on one of the islands) it's expensive, but we have been in seventh heaven buying Mrs. Butterworth’s pancakes, pudding, and cake mix!!! Speaking of seventh heaven, yesterday we went with a member to one of the prettiest places on this earth. It's a place in the northwest part of the island called Sete Cidades, (meaning seven cities) and they are seven lakes that were formed because of volcanic eruptions. It seriously took my breath away. It was soooo beautiful! This place is seriously a paradise! We are super excited to work here and see the work progress in this area. The catholic traditions here are ridiculous. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it. It is complete apostasy they do things that are completely insane!! Right now what they are doing is every night there is a party in a different neighborhood called "parties of the Holy Ghost" and they block off the streets in a neighborhood and blast music and drink and party it up. They also shoot off these bottle rocket things. It's almost like the fourth of July but like every night. So it sounds like we're working in a war zone. They also have a group of guys that walk around the whole island praying the various prayers and when they return to their city they are forgiven of their sins. There is a bunch of crazy stuff that isn't even doctrine of the church but traditions that were made here on the islands. Well, this Sunday we will be traveling to the island of Teceira for Zone Conference; so that means more tiring plane rides. But they are always beautiful views. Our members here are sick! We’re having an activity this Thursday which will be like an open house where we will show their friends the chapel, (which is one of the best ones I've seen in Portugal) and we will have a BBQ as well because this Thursday is a holiday (Portugal day). We share our area with some sister missionaries, we also have on our island another pair of elders on the north side of the island an elderly couple that is doing family history work taking pictures of documents in the city library of birth certificates as well as baptism certificates from the catholic church to submit to the indexing site of the church, (I'm sure you guys know what that is.) But yeah Elder Mclean is awesome he's like one of my best friends now, and it's always great to work with someone you get along with. I was able to talk to a few recent converts on the phone when I was in Lisbon. They are all doing great and were super excited to talk to me. Olga is still a fireball walking with the sisters every day. I hear a few of her friends will probably be baptized here shortly. Well I love you all and pray for you and I know that this church is the only true church. My love and testimony of the gospel has grown so much on the mission, and my love for the people has grown immensely. Well take care love E. Lindquist:)

1 comment:

The Longs said...

I never had a desire to go to Portugal until I read everything that Jordan writes. I want to see pictures!!!