Monday, June 28, 2010

Elder Lindquist 6/28/10

Hey all, so this week went well we have been seeing the Lord’s hand in the work and it has been really cool. Elder Mclean was kind of sick though (coughing up his lungs) but everything is well with him. We were not able to baptize Luisa and her daughter, ughh!! The opposition is really hard for some people, but she is coming along. She explained that since they have been hearing the lessons they have had more problems in their life than they have had in many years, but they truly are elect people and I know with our prayers of faith we will be able to battle and beat the adversary. But we're working with some great people right now I really like the people here. And the missionary couple that is serving on the island is really helpful to us. Well there wasn't too much other stuff that I can think of so I'll just try to explain some more about the island. One of the first things I smelled when I got here was a smell I hadn't smelled since I left Santaquin... cow manure!!! There are cows everywhere and the Azores is famous for the milk and cheese products. There are nine islands but only two have missionaries on them, (the rumor in the mission right now is that President will be opening another island that has 40+ people on it waiting to be baptized.) a member that was baptized here moved there and brought a bunch of Book of Mormons with him. More about the traditions; well they have these little shed type things that are on almost every block, (it isn't a shed but it's the size of a shed. it's more like a cement building) and inside the shed on the other side of the glass there are decorations and saint statues, or most of them have these silver crown things in there with a white dove on them representing the holy ghost and they are called "the house of the holy ghost". There is sooooo much idolatry going on here!! This place truly has strengthened my testimony of the apostasy. We are trying our hardest to help people to see that kneeling before a manikin of the Savior dressed up in crazy outfits and praying to him will NOT cure you of your illness. It may seem weird to us but to them it's really normal and they actually have faith in these objects. Well I know that as it says in Acts 4 that it is only by and through the Lord Jesus Christ that we will be saved. His name is the only name given whereby men can be saved and I am so grateful to be a part of his church. My testimony and love for the gospel has grown so much and it continues to grow every day. I'm just grateful that the Lord gave me the blessing of serving here I love this place and these people. Have a great week everyone!
-Love, Elder Lindquist

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