Monday, June 21, 2010

Elder Lindquist 6/21/10

So this week has been a good one. A lot has been going on here on the island of São Miguel right now the world cup games are going on and Portugal is playing like South Korea right now. Someone just marked a goal and a guy with out a shirt came out of his house and was dancing right across the street. They are so obsessed with soccer here. So this week we were able to mark a mother and her daughter for this weekend. Please pray for Luisa and Cátia, they are truly elects but as always when people are progressing in the gospel of Jesus Christ the adversary always needs to stick his nose in our business. I am really enjoying the area and serving with Elder Mclean. He's a stud and we love talking about the gospel, we could talk for hours. The gospel is such a great thing, so deep but yet so simple. People here on the islands like to complicate it. There are a lot of ignorant people here, but we're trying not to lose our temper when we contact and teach people, even though some times it is very difficult. The reason we get frustrated is because we really love these people and when they are blinded from the truth and don't want to open their eyes that is painful to watch but we can't open the people's eyes for them they have to want the gospel. A funny thing happened the other day we were teaching this great lady and at the end of a long lesson I was saying the prayer and in the meantime Elder Mclean started choking on something. His throat started closing up a little bit and he started coughing but it wasn't anything violent so I kept praying, and he kept coughing when I finally finished the prayer I looked over at him and his face was as red as a cherry and his eyes were watering as if they were rivers. The lady ran to grab him a glass of water and he said "my gosh I thought you would never stop praying I thought I was going to die, I was praying that you would stop praying":) it was hilarious. Oh and the other day I was able to play the drums, (the third time on my mission) and I'm still quite rusty, but it was fun. It was actually in an apartment right next to the chapel. We will have to baptize that family. But yeah things are going good here, Happy Fathers day Dad!! I'll be honest I don't remember when any American holidays are. Besides Christmas I forgot when Halloween was and everything else. All I know is I'll be home for Thanksgiving this year:) no more McDonalds for me. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
-Love Elder Lindquist

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