Monday, July 5, 2010

Elder Lindquist 7/5/10

Hey how's it going everyone? I appreciate your emails and those that don't send them I still feel your love so don't stress about it. (After this much time in the mission I've become accustomed to not receiving stuff). Well today we had T-calls. (I know, you're probably thinking already?) We thought the same thing. It seems like it was just yesterday that Elder Mclean and I stepped off the plane onto an unknown island. But thankfully we will be staying at least one more:) Well our week went relatively smooth. We are working hard with quite a few people. Almost everyone here has a problem with either the word of wisdom, or the law of chastity. Supposedly they don't have anything else to do on a small island. Well one of the most heart-breaking things happened to us this week. We found this wonderful investigator named Fátima and her daughter Carolina. They are from the island of Flores, (Flowers) and were here for a surgery that Carolina had to do on her hand. They were completely prepared to hear the gospel. In the second lesson we had with them they said they wanted to be baptized. The restored gospel was such a treasure to them since the church doesn't exist on their small obscure island. Unfortunately we received news on Wed. that they would be leaving Thursday morning and would not be able to attend church and be baptized. That just broke my heart. I didn't know what to do. Flores is one of the farthest islands from here and it is likely that it won't have missionaries there for a long time. But we hope that they will eventually have the chance to receive the gospel. I love this work it is amazing and even though it has its disappointments there are also many times where you feel a lot of joy. I spoke with Elder Togo today, he said the recent converts from the Miratejo ward are doing great. A few of them are preparing for missions. Elder Togo will be coming out to the other island so we are co-zone leaders, technically companions again. I'm excited for this transfer it will be great. Time is flying so fast!!! Well have a good week and enjoy your summer vacation:)
Love, Elder Lindquist

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