Monday, July 19, 2010

Elder Lindquist 7/19/10

Well here I am again writing to you guys... I swear weeks pass like days in the islands. I love serving here with Elder Mclean. He really is like my best friend in the mission. We have a great chemistry in our teaching it's great. Wow it has been stinking hot here. But it's not the same heat that you guys are used to. The humidity is what kills me!! My goodness I constantly feel like I just got out of the shower. It’s super uncomfortable. But it's kind of funny to be in a different climate and see the side affects:) Well we marked a Cabo Verdian guy yesterday. He's great! His name is Fransisco, he was actually like the fifth person we contacted when we got on the island but we would always go to his house and he would be super drunk and stuff. So we kind of gave up on the guy. But then something changed in him. I'm not sure what, but we saw him in the street one day and invited him to go to church and he promised he would go and he went. He has gone every week since. When we finally went back to his house to teach him again he told us that he hasn't drank in 3 weeks. It was amazing! You can just see this huge change in him he's got a certain light in him it's awesome. So he will be baptized at the end of the month. It was a great week and it looks like things are turning around here, (slowly but surely):) I loved Pres. Uchtdorf ‘s talk in Priesthood meeting on patience. Patience isn't just waiting; it requires action as well. Just as faith without works is dead. I hope all is well with everyone. It's always good to hear from you guys. Let me know where G+G B are going on their mission.
Love, Elder Lindquist
o elder mais lindo no mundo (Most handsome missionary in the world)

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