Monday, August 16, 2010

Elder Lindquist 8/16/10

Well, well, well, it looks like my time has ended on the islands. (it wasn't enough) ha time passed really fast in the two transfers that I spent here. We got T-calls this morning and I'm going to Lisbon to be the new Assistant and Elder Mclean is going to be a trainer on the mainland. We came and we're leaving together!! Oh man I love that kid and I love this place! We had Carmina's baptism this last Friday and it was great. We also were able to baptize Marcelo, the son of the awesome family we're teaching. He was super happy, it was great to see the huge smile on his face when Elder Mclean baptized him. So things are going really good here the work is definitely progressing, we tried our best to leave the area better than the way we found it. It took some time but it got there. Well, needless to say we're both nervous/excited. It will be interesting to drive again, especially in the heart of Lisbon, please pray for me!! Wow I can't believe time is passing so fast. I just want to call a time out sometimes. But before I go home I will be able to come here one more time when we have zone conference so I'm excited about that. And my companion is a stud. He’s a Brazilian and he's the most humble and awesome missionary in the whole world. I'm excited for Elder Mclean to train. It seems like just yesterday I picked up Elder Wheeler and caught the train to Torres Vedras. Well today we are going to the senior couples house to eat lunch, (an old tradition on transfer day) and then we should be going to "Lagoa de Fogo" it's a beautiful lake just north of Ponta Delgada if you have time to check it out on Google or something you can see it. Well I don't really know what else to say. My brain is kind of going a hundred miles an hour right now, but the Lord will take care of us and everything will run smoothly. Just know that I am well and I'm happy and I think of you guys often. I'll let ya know how things are going in a while.
-Love Elder Lindquist

1 comment:

G. R. Peterson said...

I knew he was gonna go AP ;)